Our policy is to address all complaints seriously, promptly, fairly and completely; and deal with Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) eligible complainants in compliance with OJK regulations.

The following sets out the main features of our procedures for complaints. We have appointed our Compliance Officer as our Complaints Officer. In the matter of complaints he reports to the Chairman of the Board who takes ultimate responsibility for ensuring that complaints are treated fairly and dealt with properly.

Please address your complaint in writing to:

The Complaints Officer

PT. Adi Antara Asia
Graha Kebon Sirih no 3E
Menteng, Jakarta 10340, Indonesia

Or via email at complaints@adiantaraasia.co.id

Administratively, the Complaints Officer may delegate handling of the complaint to another member of Legal and Compliance. You will be notified if this is the case. If you believe that you are being unfairly treated you should raise the matter with the Complaints Officer.

A member of staff will acknowledge your complaint and endeavor to respond as soon as practicable, allowing for an adequate investigation. Wherever possible, you will be given a time estimate for receipt of a full response.

Overriding objective

All complaints are investigated and dealt with in conformity with OJK Principles: Principle 1 (“act with integrity”), Principle 6 (“treat customers fairly”), and Principle 7 (“communicate clearly”). Under no circumstances are our interests placed before those of our clients. Complainants are entitled to have complaints dealt with carefully, justly and fairly.

Eligible Complainants

The Complaints Officer will determine whether or not you are an Eligible Complainant according to the APPARINDO’s code of conduct. An Eligible Complainant may be entitled to take a complaint to the APPARINDO. A copy of the APPARINDO’s service leaflet and contact details are available at www.apparindo.or.id.

If you are an Eligible Complainant:

• Unless your complaint can be resolved by close of business on the business day after receipt, you will receive a written acknowledgement promptly.

• Following investigation of the complaint by the Complaints Officer, we will send you a final letter within eight weeks. The final letter may offer compensation or give clear reasons for rejecting your complaint and your attention will be drawn to your right to refer a matter to the APPARINDO and enclose a copy of the APPARINDO’s explanatory leaflet. It will also tell you how to continue with the complaint with us.

If the above timetable cannot be achieved we will write to you explaining the delay.